18 November 2011

Thrive (Full Movie)

Thrive is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream - uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, Thrive offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Website: Thrive Movement

Lilou Mace interview with Foster Gamble

Article by Charles Eisenstein (mentioned in this interview): ‎"Thrive gets the story wrong but the spirit right. The dominator model is not an evil to overcome, but rather an evolutionary stage that has reached its fulfillment and is giving way to something new." ~ Charles Eisenstein  - Read more.


  1. Your right, it is worth the time to watch it. I have purchased the DVD myself and been through it from start to finish. If what you see does not get you angry at what is going on then there is little hope for you.

    1. I love the whole movment, I am part of a Global Moms Organization foucused on real foods (not GMO's), natural healing methods, and green living. This is definetly something the whole group should watch and be aware of and incorporate since our purpose is to empower women as mothers and steer away from modern day harmful effects. The online community is just getting started, we are at momsnourishinglink.weebly.com

  2. I have purchased the DVD too; it has not arrived yet. This is worth watching several times, especially if this is first time information for anyone. I'm also going to be adding this link to my website and have sent the link around to everyone I know, asking them to do the same. Amazingly, there are links out there saying this is all a Big Government production for the New World Order and, of course, that is for the purpose of keeping people from wanting to watch this.

  3. Hi Sherry. Pretty interesting. I would love this to me true. I still have a modicum of doubt ... a bit of healthy skepticism. It does open the door wide for a wonderful debate / conversation. Thank you for sharing.


  4. One question, when I person is saving money does that $ not come at the expense of another?

  5. Actually what you are referring to is the ways of Jesus antithetical to the ways of the pharisees. Even if you don't know this. The Talmudic [pharisees] philosophy is for the few to rule over the many, that being them as the rulers.Jesus way is to love all humanity and assist the poor.

    1. Foster means well, but if he doesn't understand this, his efforts will likely be for naught. To get so close and then fumble on the 2 yard line would be tragic. Hopefully he'll see the ancient truths about the Father of Lies and his children, of whom this elite is merely a part. However, the dumbed down doctrines that now pervade our Judeo-Christian world (oxymoronic when you know the truth) have successfully conformed even sincere truth-seekers like Foster to pursuing and publishing conspiracy theories within acceptable bounds. Even if the central banking elite were exposed and controlled, without understanding their heritage at a deeper level, we will ultimately solve nothing.

    2. He must know that the world is older infinitely than 14 billion years. I wonder why he goes with the old status quo "12-14" billion years? I guess so he doesn't seem to be way off the chart.

  6. On money: Money is the store house of labor and property. If I mow your grass that is an expense of myself. When you pass me money for cutting your grass, that is the store house of my own property. It is rightfully mine and your trimmed grass is rightfully yours. Even exchange. Your property is a beautiful landscape, mine is my labor stored in money ready for exchange when I want to hire you to cut my grass. Is there a problem with that?

  7. The problem, Anonymous, is that the "money" which you receive for your labor (or tangible property, or items of intrinsic value) has absolutely no value except what our rulers decree it to have. It is literally created out of thin air, and it will disappear back into thin air when the entire ponzi scheme collapses. A paper U.S. dollar will be as worthless as a paper Confederate dollar was after April of 1865. However, gold and silver coins retain their value regardless of which government is in control. Unlike paper "money," gold and silver have intrinsic value. You can melt a $20 gold piece and still have nearly an ounce of gold. Other than losing some possible "collector value," melting the gold coin does nothing to diminish its value. That labor of yours which you believe to be "stored in money" is actually stored in a very leaky vessel. Even if the economy never collapses (which it will), your "money" becomes worth less and less each year due to inflation. You have been systematically deceived and indoctrinated about the true nature of money. Please learn the difference between "fiat currency" and "real money." It will open your eyes to a whole new world of truth.

  8. The poverty of the world is not due only to lack of access to energy. There are corrupt governments taking all they can get, including USA financial aid. Lack of following natural law, which posits logically what are rights and what are not rights, is what needs to be re-visted. The greatest problem we have is moral. I like learning about the information provided but it also appears to be just another presentation of someone's belief in his ability to create utopia. Such philosophies have always lead to nothing other than tyranny. Those who "know" will tell the rest of us what we have to do and be. I also do not like the statement we are "unlimited" sounds like pandering to human narcissism to me. We are not unlimited...get it...we die...we are flawed in our thinking and in our behavior. Regarding the statement "will work for everyone": to have something work for you, you must work it. Sorry there are those who will not want to comply with whatever is proposed and at the same time others do not have a right to force them. Watch out for fantasies that pander to your desire to be "god" because you are not. Who knows what "aligning" with this "energy" will involve or result in. Yes, it is good to find out about the nature of the universe but manipulating it is another story: Not as easy or perhaps without danger as is presented here. There is no 1 answer to human problems. Just like there is no 1 reason we have them.

  9. The value of gold or silver as a medium of exchange does not stem from any intrinsic value - for instance as an electrical conductor. The exchange rates are exactly as rational or non-rational as exchange rates based on paper dollars or euros, internet 1's and 0's, pork bellies or seashells. It is a consensual accounting agreement, nothing more. If some of you think you're going to be safer buying a mercedes or organic apples with gold coins, you have a big shock coming.

  10. why is it private

  11. how do we get through "private"?

  12. In response to what Svoboda said... We are presently believing we are limited and that is because we see limitations every day... we live; we die but in that process have we learned anything about why we die? We now know that DNA is not only a read program, it is a read-write program but have we actually put this into practice? Not really because the medical and biological text books have not been upgraded to this new knowledge yet. For anyone to say "this is how we all MUST do things" is not the way to go. To say, "here is new information" is better. The problem is that today's civilization has been brainwashed into a certain way of believing how things work (I call this global human programming) and I believe one day that global human programming will cease to exist. I think when that happens (we are the front runners for future generations, human beings will be completely different than they are today. Maybe right now, in current reality, we need leaders. In the future there will be no need for leaders to run the lives of everyone, thinking they know best. They do not know what's best for everyone. This movie clearly shows they do not know best. So it seems to me the challenge of this generation is to think differently, to see the possibilities outside the current box (the current programming) and to realize we are indeed unlimited. The mind is far more powerful than we, as a species, understand. How exciting is that!!! :-)

  13. I know I am a late comer to the conversation but I would like to comment on Anonymous' 27 November statement. I think it was beautifully articulated. And I think what they meant by "money" doesn't mean the US Dollar or its system. Money is what a person believes or perceives to be valuable. It doesn't have to be the "dollar". Case in point, for many many years the barter system was very effective. No dollar was exchanged. I would "mow the grass" for an exchange for clothing or fishing equipment, or whatever I deemed was a valuable commodity for myself and my family. That is free trade at its finest and storing my labor and property. You have your gorgeous lawn, because I am good at lawns!, and I have what I needed which is valuable to me. That is an exchange of "monies". I believe it is a healthy trade system that isn't biased on what my labor is worth. The value is set between the partnership of the deal and no one else's influence.

  14. This is not just about America, it is about the whole world. For those of you who may not know Google "Georgia Guidestones" and you will see the Elite's 10 commandments written in stone for all the world to see. As you read, it sounds great but then when you think about how they are going to implement these goals it is quite horrific. Abortion is one way, Euthanasia is another way, sterilisation.
    The comment about us being controled by the community around us when we step outside the "norm". I see that so blatant here now. Having a President of such a great nation and his main focus is on Homosexual rights? Bribing/blackmailing entire countries to accept what the Bible says is wrong. He is doing the same with population control. Not just him but the leaders of other Western nations. We need to be looking at the bigger picture. The Bible says all these things will come to pass. Its scary watching it come to pass before our very eyes.

  15. you tube will do a much better job in effect of this knowledge . .

  16. Svodoba is correct when he says that the problem is a moral one. Republicans, Democrats, big business, big government are all the wrong argument/debate - it doesn't matter WHO has the power........what matters is the "true" morality of those in power. The morality of most of the Founding Fathers was far more ethical than our so-called leaders/hypocrites of today. They were well aware of the dangers of having too much power, and were more often than not, reluctant to even want it! I can't help thinking of Groucho's statement "...I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member."
    The other important issue refers to the discussion about money: Real wealth is created and exchanged for either "goods" or "services" - that is the basis of all economic theory and laws of the Universe. However, the reason we currently have problems with our monetary system is that we are creating "artificial" wealth by trying to make money just by playing games with money - derivatives, Hedge funds, whacky insurances, ponzi schemes,etc...these are unethical and we( the 99%) are living the consequences of it now!

  17. There is nothing scientific to this. Vector equilibrium has nothing to do with a torus, or Buckminster Fuller, it is when all the vectors in a system of forces adds up to zero … that is they all cancel each other out. This is very emotional, and sympathetic, but it preys on people people who have good hearts but are not informed in science, and this Gamble guy fraud is spewing nonsense to make money. This only claim to fame is his great great great great grandfather … 6 genertions back. Virtually none of this makes sense, except the claimed desired result, so the point is to make people who think about saving the Earth look like nincompoops when they talk about this nonsense. There just ought to be a law. A pattern is a pattern and a number is a number, nothing mystierious or from a different planet. Feel very sorry for peolpe who are drawm to this stuff, you have good hearts but lacking heads.

    1. Are you looking for something scientific? I think you may be focusing on something that is a small part of the entire issue. Following the money takes us exactly where the crux of the problem is... a few wealthy, greedy, better than you types of people that have obviously inherited their wealth and not worked for it, or provided anything for anyone. They are simply living off the sweat equity of the little guys. This puts them into a catagory that I would say is equal to "pond scum" (I am being quite conservative with my criticism). I too called them "idiots" in the past, but now realize the much more sinister thought process involved. If there are aliens about to visit us, I think the elite are afraid that they will simply remove them, and solve the problem overnight. Their second biggest fear is that the average person will finally wake up and put them where they belong.

    2. You, sir, are obviously entrenched in the surface tension of this "pond Scum" that is currently controlling this planet! I hope for you that one day you awaken to the truth, before it is too late.

  18. That's all we need--another breathless clearinghouse for any number of empty New Age speculations.

    Who needs reality when delusions are so much more fun (and easy to grasp?).

  19. I Agree with this movie GREAT INFORMATION, except that the money needs to go! THIS SHOULD NOT EVEN BE AN OPTION! If we keep a $$$$ system, there will aways be corruption and power struggles! Always leading to war.

    For this I must say The Zeitgeist Movement & The Venus Project is right on! To think that it will be ok for the entire planet to be wealthy, and that this will be ok with the powers of Government, & Bilderburger group, and the entire trilateral commission, IS NOTHING SHORT OF DELUSIONAL.

    Mr. Miami



    There is a man who invented more than one year ago Anti-system and now there is more than 15 millions people, who lives financially free. System is based on joining together our sources; as a result, each man and woman get unlimited sources of Earth. One, who has joint the system, has no need to work to earn money anymore to live, but might work for pleasure. Person can do whatever he/she likes to do.


    Please contact me, I will tell you how to join this social-financial network. .

    My Skype: poleynik

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  21. Thrive is a movie to expoilt a website. It was created by the heir to the Procter and Gamble world. Don't believe it.
    Read this instead...

  22. went to the questioningall web site... first thing i saw was (I support Ocuppy wallstreet) Sorry... i dont want my country destroyed and turned into the United Socialist States of America... so this tells my YOU have an agenda (Anonymous Mar 12, 2012 04:26 PM)

  23. This movie is very thought provoking and a must see for all of us. Some scary stuff, but we must focus on the positive, not on the negative, because that's how the 'powers that be' continue to control us...keeping us in fear!
    I have made 10min video that some of you may find interesting. It's on YouTube. Just put in Susan Dixon-The Big Bang/Welcome To Hell/The Peacemaker. It's a spoken word/music video that questions why we're living in a world filled with so much pain and suffering in the first place. It's a humorous but insightful take on the Big Bang and how we find ourselves in a world of duality and then remembering who we really are....love~Namaste~

  24. He got the message right, but all his BS facts are loosely woven together to construct his point. First off there is no such thing as free energy sources. Do a little research and you'll see that a working prototype of any of the machines quoted in the movie has never been made. It's all theory and it's not backed in science. Would Foster Gamble have us believe that big oil is doing everything they can to surpress fusion energy to which in the real world is as close as we'll get to free cheap clean energy. Yet we've poured 22 billion (the US included) into the fusion project in europe. I'm not saying that is enough for I believe that fusion energy is the wave of the future. But this film doesn't even mention this once. The only thing this hippy bullshit did get right is that the fusion reactor will be in a shape of a toriod. And where did those Aliens come from in the movie? Everything is so loosely connected to prove his point that he does it at the expense of all credibility. Any but who eats this shit up without doing a little research needs to get their head checked. Do you even know who this guy is? Proctor and Gamble is one of the biggest corporations in the world. If this guy really wanted to make a change on the world, I would suggest him to start with his own inheritance's impact on the world instead of trying to purvey lies in order to convince people of ungrounded BS.

    And again, if you really believe this without doing a little background research, you really need to get your head checked. Try doing some research on fact rather than fiction. I feel sorry for you and the world you think you live in.

  25. PLEASE, if there is free energy machines, spread how to build it on-line NOW! Show everyone the blue-prints and plans!

  26. I love your video. I have watched them. Very informative.

  27. Not sure about this...but grab some popcorn watch it and deside for yourselves. Check out the comments afterward.
